Oncology Issues: Instructions for Authors
Oncology Issues, the journal of the Association of Cancer Care Centers (ACCC), is geared towards all members of the cancer team—medical, surgical, and radiation oncologists; advanced practice providers (APPs); oncology nurses; medical directors; cancer program administrators; members of the hospital c-suite; practice managers; pharmacists; oncology social workers; cancer registrars; nurse and patient navigators; revenue cycle managers; financial navigators; oncology program data managers; and more. The journal covers all areas of cancer service delivery, including:
Oncology Issues accepts open submissions of articles that are clear, concise, comprehensive, and of interest to our readers. Before articles are submitted, the author should consider sending an outline and letter of intent to the Managing Editor, who will respond if the topic is of interest. All submissions go through an editorial review process. If an article is accepted, the author will be notified within three months. Time from acceptance to publication is generally six months.
In the case of multiple authors, the article is accepted and reviewed on the assumption that all authors have granted approval for submission and publication. Before any articles are published, authors will be asked to sign an author agreement letter, which transfers copyright of the article to ACCC. Once a manuscript is accepted and the author agreement letter is signed, the article becomes the property of ACCC.
Articles must include references and a one sentence professional biography for each author. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all reference citations and are expected to have read and verified all the listed references. References must follow the AMA format and must be cited at least once in the body of the article (see examples below).
1Cleeland C, Gonin R, Hatfield A, et al. Pain and its treatment in outpatients with metastatic cancer. N Engl J Med. 1994;330:592-596. doi: 10.1056/NEJM199403033300902
2Taylor EJ. Spiritual assessment. In: Ferrell B, Coyle N, eds. Textbook of Palliative Nursing. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press;2001:397-406.
3Personal communication between author and Gary Cohen, MD, chairman of oncology at Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Baltimore, Md.
4Association of Community Cancer Centers. Using Medicaid to help uninsured patients afford their care. Published July 27, 2021. Accessed July 28, 2021. accc-cancer.org/acccbuzz/blog-post-template/accc-buzz/2021/07/27/using-medicaid-to-help-uninsured-patients-afford-their-care
Articles should be submitted electronically to: Managing Editor, Monique J. Marino at mmarino@accc-cancer.org.
Manuscripts that are accepted for publication are subject to editorial revision for clarity, punctuation, grammar, syntax, and conformity to journal style. Substantive revisions will be based on feedback from the editors, the editorial board, and peer reviewers. The author will have an opportunity to review the final article prior to publication.