Oncology Issues

Editor-in-Chief: Krista Nelson, LCSW, OSW-C, FAOSW, FAPOS, FACCC

Oncology Issues, Fast Facts,
Volume 39,
Number 6

Fast Facts

Study finds that people with newly diagnosed HR-negative, HER2-positive breast cancer were more likely to receive timely, guideline concordant treatment and have longer survival in states that participate in Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act.

Source. Authors: Shi KS, Ji X, Jiang C, Ruddy KJ, Castellino SM, Yabroff KR, Han X. Association of Medicaid expansion with timely receipt of treatment and survival among patients with HR-negative, HER2-positive breast cancer. JNCCN. Featured Online Content. 23 Oct 2024. doi:10.6004/jnccn.2024.7041

Survey Reveals Breast Cancer Risk Factors Widely Misunderstood

  • 48% of women surveyed do not know what breast density is and 50% are unsure if it has anything to do with breast cancer risk
  • Few women feel like they have all the medical information they need from their mother’s side (19%) and father’s side (15%) to better understand their breast cancer risk
  • Nearly 1/4 of women reported they don’t talk about health issues in their families as the primary
    reason they don’t know anything about their mother’s and father’s family medical history.
Source. A national survey from Myriad Genetics Inc., published September 28, 2023

Study Reveals the Impact of Behavioral Health Disorders on Cancer Surgery Outcomes

  • 1 in 15 patients with cancer in the Medicare system have at least 1 behavioral health disorder
  • Behavioral health disorders, which include substance abuse, eating disorders, and sleep disorders, are linked to worse surgical outcomes and higher health care costs in patients with cancer
  • Patients with behavioral health disorders are less likely to undergo surgical resection and have higher odds of postoperative complications.

Source. Katayama, ES, Woldesenbet S, Munir, MM. Effect of behavioral health
disorders on surgical outcomes in cancer patients. J Amer Coll Surg. 2024.

Actions Patients Say Would Help Them Better Understand Medical Bills

  • 27% said a call before the procedure from the physician’s office or hospital to walk through what’s expected in terms of payment and discuss payment plans offered
  • 12% said an online calculator to help determine cost ranges for care or procedures
  • 11% said an email from the insurance company to walk through the bill after care or services are rendered.

    Source. An AKASA survey conducted by You.Gov. prnewswire.com/news-releases/nearly-40-of-ameri-sed-by-medical-bills-301705347.html.

Workplace Challenges Facing Women

  • According to the Pew Research Center, the number of women CEOs at Fortune 500 companies still only represents about 10% of the total; on the governance side, women make up about 30% of corporate board members.
  • Women with children (14%) are twice as likely as men with children (7%) to report having had 3 or more days in the past month when they were unable to perform their usual work responsibilities because of issues with childcare.
  • Women with children (37%) are more than twice as likely as their male counterparts (17%) to have had to decline or delay a promotion because of family obligations. Source. Den Houter K, Barry K. The path to gender parity in leadership. Gallup Workplace.

Source. Den Houter K, Barry K. The path to gender parity in leadership. Gallup Workplace

The State of Multi-Cancer Early Detection Testing and the Science Behind the Innovation

Discover how this groundbreaking technology is revolutionizing cancer screening. In this video, lead experts, Dr. Elizabeth O’Donnell and Nima Nabavizadeh, discuss the current state of multi-cancer early detection screening; roles of the multidisciplinary team and care coordination across specialties; and the importance of clinical trials and advocacy for policies at the state and federal level.

Interactive Map for Lung Cancer Services in Rural Appalachia

As part of its Rural Appalachian Lung Cancer Screening Initiative, ACCC created this interactive map designed to aid health care providers and public health professionals locate essential services for people who need lung cancer screening or who are living with lung cancer in an underserved region of rural Appalachia.

Two Critical Tests for Better Pancreatic Cancer Treatment Options

With just a 13% survival rate, pancreatic cancer is the third-deadliest cancer type today. Patients with pancreatic cancer who could be matched to a treatment geared to the specific molecular profile of their tumors lived longer, according to a study published in Lancet Oncology. This blog explains the ins and outs of genetic testing and molecular profiling in a way that patients can appreciate and understand.

Developing a Health Equity Playbook

Designing a health equity playbook starts with a deep understanding of the patients you serve. Successful playbooks have components that build on the patient experience, the protocols that are in place to ensure the cancer program is meeting the unique needs of all its patients, and staff education and training on how to best serve those different patient populations. In this podcast episode, CANCER BUZZ speaks with Maria Hernandez, PhD, President and COO of Impact4Health.

Establish Your Own Molecular Tumor Board

Is your cancer center ready to create or access a molecular tumor board? In this on-demand webinar, Optimizing Treatment with Molecular Tumor Boards, learn how Markey Cancer Center at the University of Kentucky successfully developed its multidisciplinary group. This session covers the structure, operations, and key lessons, along with a review of nationally available resources. Learn from a live Q&A to address common challenges