Oncology Issues

Editor-in-Chief: Krista Nelson, LCSW, OSW-C, FAOSW, FAPOS, FACCC

Oncology Issues, From the Editor,
Volume 40,
Number 1


Resolutions, intentions, goals. These are all words we find ourselves reflecting on this time of year in our personal and professional lives. As I reflect on the past 28 years of my career, mainly centered around psycho-oncology and the wellbeing of health care teams, I am aware that each year, what I intend my focus to be is often derailed within the first 2 weeks of the year due to outside priorities and challenges within the systems and institution where I provide care. There is much uncertainty in the health care landscape: changes in leadership, shortages of medications and staff, barriers to funding and payments, and even the question of how AI may enhance our jobs or replace some of the work we do. In times like this, I find connection with my peers and the oncology community at ACCC to be a source of both comfort and inspiration.

When there is uncertainty, I teach the patients with cancer that I work with to consider which aspects of their lives they have control over. I realize I can use this same tactic to gain more insight into changes and innovations in oncology, and I can advocate to ensure such changes are aligned with quality cancer care.

The ACCC 51st Annual Meeting & Cancer Center Business Summit (AMCCBS) is the perfect place to make this happen. As outlined in the agenda, there are abundant opportunities to explore topics ranging from AI to comprehensive cancer care services. The information and contacts you gain at this meeting will enhance your professional acumen and ensure you and your cancer center are at the cutting edge of new trends and innovations in cancer care delivery.

AMCCBS attendees will also have the unique opportunity to participate in Capitol Hill Day, whereby they can meet with members of Congress and their staff to inform them of priority issues affecting access to cancer care. There has never been a more pressing time to advocate for issues that impact our ability to provide the best treatment and support for patients with cancer and their caregivers. One such issue is the extension of reimbursement for telehealth services, which ACCC will be advocating for this year. I personally have participated on Hill Day many times and have received tremendous support from ACCC through the entire process. Please reach out to me if you have any questions about what Capitol Hill Day is like; I would love to see you there.

I want to end with my gratitude for all those who work tirelessly to support their teams and patients who have been impacted by cancer. During my 2-year tenure as Editor-in-Chief, my intention for Oncology Issues is for the journal to be a place where members can come to feel inspired, share ideas, and feel connection to others who are paving the way for us to provide the best cancer care, wherever we live.